Tool Review: Hypothesis

Hypothesis is an open source web-annotation tool that allows users to annotate webpages, PDFs, and other online documents either privately, in groups, or publicly. It is currently operated by anno and in August 2022 ITHAKA invested in the tool. As of September 2022 Hypothesis had been used to generate over 40 million annotations.

Rather than a tool to be used to create digital projects, Hypothesis is primarily a digital pedagogy tool. It allows for social reading of texts. For example you could have your students read and annotate one of their assigned readings in a private Hypothesis group for your class, which would allow them to reply to each other’s annotations, and learn from each other and be in conversation with one another outside of class.

Tool Review: Prusa i3 MK3S+

In some ways this review is less about one specific tool and more about a collection of tools or even more about a method, 3D printing. This is in part because of how many tools are required to make a 3D print and because while my library has a Prusa i3 MK3S+ my review probably could apply to a variety of 3D printers.

Embodied Data: A Reading List

Because of my research into embodied data, I have been hoarding readings on physical data visualizations. In the interests of making it more shareable I will also maintain it here! I am always looking for more materials, so if you know of something I am missing (or if you wrote something I should be awareContinue reading “Embodied Data: A Reading List”

Tool Review: Storiiies

Storiiies is a tool developed by Cogapp, a UK-based digital agency, that allows user to annotate images to create interactive stories. It is free, web-based, and extremely easy to use. As the name suggests, it is based on the IIIF standards, however users do not need to be familiar with the standard to use the tool. Although those who do use IIIF can use the data that is created for other uses.

preservation x visualization

While I had the design of the front of the quilt more or less sorted since the start of the project, the back remained a question for a bit longer. Initially I considered just making a larger tree map showing the percentage each color was used in the poem, however I was really curious ifContinue reading “preservation x visualization”

“Embodied Data Visualizations” at DH Unbound 2022

On May 17 I gave a presentation “Embodied Data Visualizations: Integrating Crafting into Digital Humanities” at DH Unbound. This post is adapted from the talk – however since I used notes and not a script it may not exactly match. If you’ve been reading all of my updates here some of this might be repetitive,Continue reading ““Embodied Data Visualizations” at DH Unbound 2022″

Translating Methods: Designing A Physical Data Dashboard

New month, new update. Today I am writing about the process of designing my visualizations/quilt blocks. If you are new here you can read my previous posts: an introduction to the project and an update about my data. Designing an Embodied Visualization When I first conceived of this project I had a pretty simple designContinue reading “Translating Methods: Designing A Physical Data Dashboard”

Data Deep Dive: Getting My Ducks in Order

It has been just over a month, so it is time for my next update! For those of you who want to read my introduction to this project you can read it here – “Data Craft: Exploring Projects in Embodied Data.” I spent February reacquainting myself with my dataset, as I hadn’t really interacted withContinue reading “Data Deep Dive: Getting My Ducks in Order”

Data Craft: Exploring Projects in Embodied Data

I’m starting a new project. It is a little weird, I realize some might not think of it as digital humanities (DH) but I do (more on that in a future update). Over the next few months, maybe longer maybe shorter, I am going to be uses quilts to represent the use of color inContinue reading “Data Craft: Exploring Projects in Embodied Data”

Native Land: Connecting Virtual Attendees to Physical Spaces

“I am calling in from Lenapehoking, the occupied ancestral lands of the Lenape upon which I am a settler. I invite you to learn more about the lands you are on using the link I am posting in the chat…” I have heard, and recited, variations of this message countless times over the past 18Continue reading “Native Land: Connecting Virtual Attendees to Physical Spaces”
